List of featured suppliers of ACOUSTIC STRIPS Joist Fixing on Building Products Index

Acoustic strips are materials used for sound absorption. They are typically thin and made of a material that can be easily installed in a space to reduce noise levels. These strips can be placed along walls, ceilings, and floors to improve the acoustics of a room or building. They are commonly used in spaces where sound quality is important, such as concert halls, recording studios, and conference rooms. Acoustic strips are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors to match the design of the space they are installed in.

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Tel: 01709 772296
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Tel: 01250 872261
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Halfen supply a wide range of structural connectors and fixings to include: cast-in channels, brickwork support systems and facade support systems, concrete reinforcement products, framing systems and precast lifting & support systems. Further technical information is available on the BPi Download library on on the Halfen web site.

Tel: 01582 470300